Life is just so busy right now and has been for a long time. I guess we all are. The weekends are mostly a blur of cleaning and washing and food for me and I guess most families. I just want some time to be me.
So today after all the beds had been stripped and all the towels changed and the clothes line full to the brim with probably another full line tomorrow and the bathrooms were cleaned and the house vacumed.........
I made a pie. A lemon meringue pie with eggs and lemons from my garden. It was delicious.
This followed some beautiful steak which Mitchell had marinated this afternoon and then cooked on the barbeque. What a delicious meal to end the day with.
This week Masterchef winner Julie Goodwin came to our town. Cameron was there to film the story for the news and got to meet her. Cameron bought her newest cookbook and had it signed for me. It is a really lovely book. Cameron was very impressed with what a lovely lady Julie is.
Thank you to my two lovely boys for a couple of bright spots this week.