Sunday, 2 August 2015

A New Corner ...

My new little kitchen is coming together. Nana "Eleanor" gave me her beautiful canisters so long ago. A part of her life transferred to mine. They sit so beautifully in my kitchen.

A reminder everyday of my heritage and also of the beautiful woman she was. Strong and capable.  I loved her dearly and miss her every day.

The Polk a dot jug set also a very special gift from my parents. They were an engagement gift from mums grandad more than fifty years ago now. I love them. 

The little herb planter was part of my new kitchen and today I finally picked up some little pots of herbs to fill it with.

So much fun bringing  my home to life.  


Bobbie Lynn said...

Love your new corner. I like the way you can have herbs growing indoors. Very handy.

Deb said...

Leisa what a great idea to have for your herbs in the kitchen. I am adoring your polka dot jugs, such a special possession like your canisters.

Mandy's Pink Home said...

Love the look of your new house, so pretty just like those jugs...Good luck on your new beginnings...