I have been so blessed to have my dear old Grandma and Nana for so much of my life. I was also blessed to have a dear, dear Great Grandma for the first eight or so years of my life.

Daisy Elizabeth Whittle Whitehead (nee Cocks).

Granny was the mother of my dear Nana, Eleanor. She was the sweetest old lady and lived until she was around ninety three years old. She used to spend her time living between the homes of her three daughters, so for a third of each year she lived across the road from our home. I can remember being so excited when Granny came back to Nana's. She would sometimes bring us a little gift and I can remember getting a little box of lovely hankerchiefs once. I took one out and started to use it, but I must have decided I wanted it back in that lovely little box, because they are all still in there today!!
Granny always had a little bottle of sweets too! Usually pink musks - my favourite still today.

But, my favourite memory and one of my most treasured posessions is my Crochet blanket. Beautiful pure wool, in gorgeous colours. I have had it for as long as I remember. It was always folded neatly in a triangle on the end of my bed all of my growing up years. It now is in my sewing room on the day bed and in the cooler months, if I have time to spend , I snuggle under it and remember my dear Granny.
Such a lovely post about your wonderful Granny with sweet memory photos. Grannies can make the difference in your life!
What a lovely post the crochet blanket looks ever so inviting.
What wonderful memories to have. You were so lucky to have your great grandma until you were eight! I think we are from a priveleged couple of generations in which many people got on and started their families early and modern medicine made it possible for people to live longer. Many people got to meet their great grandmas and have had their grandmas and, sometimes grandads, longer.Does that make sense? There is nothing quite like having something your grandma gave you and even better when it was made especially for you. Very special indeed!
Enjoy your week, Angela.
A very sweet post. Grandmothers are precious indeed!
Amanda (aka Cottage Contessa)
Memories are so precious sometimes it is nice to have a more "solid" reminder, actually I suppose that is why people call such things momentoes.
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