Wednesday, 20 February 2008

Another little corner......

Just busy on the home front at the moment. I hope the "bookwork" side of our business sale is just about over!! The office has held me prisoner this week unfortunately.

My little poppet has been on school camp for four days. I have really missed her. She is home tonight tucked up in her own little bed, very, very tired. School photos tomorrow - that will be interesting with a group of very tired little people. She has another camp soon with her choir. It is certainly a lot quieter here without her chatter!

I have had some fun with my cosmos and my collection of milk bottles this week. The cosmos have self seeded from just one punnet that I planted, so I am looking forward to them popping up again in more places. I really love the old glass milk bottles. Growing up on a farm milk came straight from Pop's cow across the road to us. By the time I was living in a town milk came in plastic or cardboard!! The milk carrier was one that I rescued from under the tankstand at Grandad and Grandma's place - I am not sure why they would have had one as they only moved to town in the 1980's!!

The little heart I made from an old serviette and some vintage lace. Just a little late for Valentines!! I just recently "won" the lovely old stool at the tender centre. I just wish there were more places locally with great old stuff. One of the thrift shops here must think they are a top end antique shop because the prices they charge are over the top. The prices were better at the Antique Show last weekend - what a shame there isn't one of those more often than once a year!!!

We have been busy in the vege garden again this week. It is almost finished! Well everything in its' place! We went and picked up the pebbles for the paths today and just about exhausted myself shovelling this afternoon!! I also started to dig the little garden along the edge ready to plant the row of lavender to finish off the edge.

Hopefully I will get some photos soon to show the finished (ongoing) project.

1 comment:

cd&m said...

The cosmos look adorable in the milk bottles in the milk bottle stand on the stool - all lovely things with stories and memories attached. Your little heart is lovely too.